
(84-9) 83 750 769


A9, Lane 39, Pham Than Duat Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Tiếng Việt
  • English


Opening Legal English Class (Course III)

1. Introduction

Building on the success of our Legal English Classes (Courses I & II) and in response to the demand from law students, lawyers, and lecturers, we have decided to re-open the Legal English Class (Course III).

The Legal English Class is a training course organized under the auspices of VNJUST Law Firm (VNJUST) and the Scientific Research Institute of Sea and Islands (SRISI).

This class focuses on providing and fostering the Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading skills in utilizing basic and advanced Legal Vocabulary, Terminology, Expressions and Structures as well as Translation/Interpretation skills in diverse fields of law including from Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Business Law, Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law to International Law and International Business/Commercial Law to meet the goals of the studying, researching and practicing law in the context of the wave of development and integration taking place like a storm in Vietnam.

The striking feature of our Legal English class is that students will not only be taught how to use legal English in a real-life context but also exchanged professional knowledge from more than 18 years of research, work and practice experience of Dr. Lawyer Nguyen Ba Cuong (Managing Partner of VNJUST, Director of the SRISI, Member of International Relations Department, Hanoi Bar Association) and Mr. Feny Zamzari (Counselor of the Indonesian Embassy, Master of Laws of the University of Melbourne, Australia).

We do believe that this course will be a boost to promote your career to a new level. Therefore, we commit to REFUND 100% of the tuition fee if the student is not satisfied with the quality of training after finishing the course.

2. Benefits of the Course

  • Broaden your Legal English Vocabulary, Terminology, Structures, and Expression;

  • Employ effectively Legal English language in various and diversified fields of law;
  • Utilize clear, accurate Legal English in everyday legal and business situations;

  • Enhance skills in Editing and Drafting legal documents;

  • Improve Presentation Skills when using Legal English;

  • Explain legal issues Precisely and Concisely in Legal English.
  • Improve Communication & Working Group Skills in English;

  • Be more Confident and Effective in today’s global legal world.

3. Course Structure

  • Entry Level: At Least Amounting to B1 (4.5 IELTS, 45 iBT, TOEIC 450).
  • Duration: 05 months, 15 topics, 39 sessions; 02 sessions/week; 6h30 – 8h30 PM.

  • Place: Hanoi

  • Class size: Maximum 20

  • Materials: The Materials of this course is Exclusively Designed and Tailored on the ground of multiple famous Vietnamese and English publications relating to Legal English subject.

  • Syllabus: See details here.

  • Tuition Fees (including materials):

– For students: VND 4.950.000 

– For lecturers, post-graduate students, lawyers and others: VND 5.990.000 

10% discount for 05 first registration;

4. Lecturer

  • Dr. Lawyer Nguyen Ba Cuong: See information of Dr. Ba Cuong here.

  • LLM. Feny Zamzari: See information of LLM. Zamzari here.

5. Notices

  • Free Charge for 02 trial sessions attending;
  • Tuition fees shall be paid in advance; however, tuition fees might be paid in Installments (the 1st Installment is made before the 1st session and the 2nd is made before the 20th session of the course) if the student has a valid reason.

  • Tuition fees will only be refunded if the student is not satisfied with the training quality at the conclusion of the course.
  • Students who are absent for 08 or more sessions will be considered to have abandoned the course, and tuition fees paid will be non-refundable.

6. Who should join?

Law Students; Law Lecturers; Lawyers; Legal Professionals; and anyone working in the legal environment who is looking to develop their career.

7. How to join?

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