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A9, Lane 39, Pham Than Duat Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam

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Nguyen Ba Cuong
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PhD. Lawyer Nguyen Ba Cuong is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of VNJUST Law Firm.

PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong obtained his Bachelor of Laws at Hanoi Law University, graduating with the Award of the Valedictorian in 2007. In 2012, he received his Master of Laws (LLM) degree in International Law and earned his Doctorate degree in International Law in 2018.

PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong has more than 15 years of experience in advising and protecting the interests of countless individuals, organizations, businesses, NGOs, and state agencies on a wide variety of issues, particularly including, inter alia, corporate, commercial, maritime, contractual, real estate, construction, dispute resolution, international law, law of the sea issues, at both national and international mechanisms. 

The winning rate of PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong is 100% to date.

PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong is concurrently Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Sea and Islands, the institute having the largest number of state-level projects in terms of law and policy on sea and islands in Vietnam until now.

PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong is also Visiting Lecturer in many diverse subjects, such as Economic Law, Commercial Law, Law on Intellectual Property, International Law, International Trade/Business Law, International Commercial Arbitration; Settlement of Civil, Commercial Disputes Relating to Foreign Factors; Skills for Jurist; Negotiation Skills for Lawyer, Contract Drafting Skills for Lawyer; Skills for Lawyer in Utilizing Mediation/Conciliation Means, Skills for Lawyer in Utilizing Arbitration Means, Lawyer and Legal Ethics at top universities in Vietnam and abroad, such as Hanoi Law University, Foreign Trade University, Security Academy, Judicial Academy; University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University; Topica Edtech Group; Faculty of Law and Government, Help University (Malaysia); Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (Chiangmai, Thailand).

PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong has been regularly consulted by agencies of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, the US Embassy, the Indian Embassy, the Indonesian Embassy, the Malaysian Embassy, the Thai Embassy, and the Singaporean Embassy on issues relating to international law and the law of the sea.

PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong is also the author of numerous remarkable and leading books, magazines, articles, and newspapers on various issues concerning law of the sea, international law, international private law, and international trade/commercial law in Vietnam.

Noticeably in August 2013, for a great deal of striking publications on laws and policies concerning sea and islands, PhD. Nguyen Ba Cuong received the award “Honor in Recognition of Action for Vietnam’s Sea and Islands”, which is to honor individuals and organizations that have taken meaningful actions to affirm and protect Vietnam’s sovereignty and sovereign rights over sea and islands in the South China Sea, from the Wisdom Culture Research Center under Vietnam Union of Scientific and Technological Associations.


“My responsibility is to promote and protect national interests and legitimate rights of people. I do not use loopholes of the law against the law. I will be by your side until you find justice. If you need someone to help you get out of ambiguity, confusion or fear, it is me. I can help you continue your search for the meaning of life.”

– PhD. Lawyer. Nguyen Ba Cuong –